I'm about to change your life... again! For those of you that, like myself, have desk jobs, listen up! (And those of you that get to go and come as you please can continue to read, but just know that you're not who this entry is intended for and I'm very jealous of you!)
If you're anything like me, music at work is a must. I literally cannot just sit there, in silence, tapping away at my computer, trying not to listen to conversations happening around me, wondering what my friend in another department is doing without having some kind of background noise to drawn out my wondering thoughts. At first, I was alllll about some Pandora. (If you don't know Pandora, then... umm.. well.. ask any young professional you meet). I had Pandora on from the time I sat down, until the 5 o'clock bell. It was a normal part of my routine. Walk in cube, turn on desk light, move my mouse to gently wake up my computer, log into my email accounts (yes, plural), open a browser for the
Huffington Post (my favorite) and then, bam, hello Pandora!
Oh how I loved Pandora. I had created every station known to man. I had everything from Elton John, The Pointer Sisters and Michael Jackson, to Jay Z, The Plain White T's and Needtobreathe. I just loved it... until the day the music stopped.
I frantically minimized every browser window I had up until I got to the Pandora page, only to see the message "To continue listening, sign up here" was staring back at me. I had come to the end of Pandora. No more free music, no more cube parties, nothing. Done. Everything was over...
Well, fast forward out of that depression and into present day, and I have been saved. I found the best thing ever for a hard working, desk job-er! Please enter...
Unlike Pandora, you can REPEAT songs, listen to songs in whatever order you like AND fast forward! Additionally, if you are lazy and don't want to create play lists, you can listen to satellite radio. WHAT?! I know! Grooveshark is that amazing and I hope that you, my fellow deskers, can enjoy and appreciate this little gem as much as I have.