Saturday, January 30, 2010

M is for Mugs, Muffins and Movies!

This morning I had my Life Group girls over to enjoy a cup of joe, some homemade (yeah, right!) muffins and a fun movie! Cute, right?! Everything was great and perfect for a cold Saturday morning. After the movie, I pulled out my awesome new Mac and one of the Apple savvy girls immediately began showing me the ends and outs, shortcuts and do da's my computer could do. After spending about an hour on Photo Booth, here's just a sample of the almost 50 pictures we took:

I absolutely love love love my new computer. It's super cute and I can't believe all the nifty things I can do on it! Stay tuned, my next Apple tutorials subject...making video confessionals! ;)

Monday, January 25, 2010

M is for MacBook Pro!

I believe it is only fitting I write my first entry of the year (I know, I'm really working on being a better blogger) on my new toy... a MacBook Pro! My old computer, a lowly Dell, was nearly six years old and on the fritz! There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't have a severe panic attack for fear of losing my life in document form when the blue screen of death popped up. Now, not only do I have a new computer that works when I turn it on, but it plays my iTunes on request and doesn't shut off when I click on a link!!

For some reason, I do believe I will be more active with my blogging all because of this awesome new machine!

More to come...promise!