Monday, January 19, 2009

Africa or bust!

For the past couple of years, I have been dying to go to Africa! Not only have I been wanting to experience this culture that is so different from my own, but I want to live, touch and see where my ancestors are from...CP stop!! Well, at lunch the other day I was talking with one of my new best friends/kindred spirit, Kate, about how much I wanted to go to Africa and would you know, she said, "My family is planning a mission trip there this summer!" WHAT! What are the odds of that?! Well me...not being shy about inviting myself places (UL!)...jumped right on the badgering bandwagon and asked Kate as many questions as I could about my next mission trip! I was so sure that I was going to go until...BOMBSHELL...Kate told me that it would be a 17 day trip. When I heard that, my ecstatic attitude turned to "Woe-is-me"/ "Why-Why" with hands on head in 0.2 seconds. I thought...there is no way that I will be able to take that much time off from my fancy new job...I'm too important to be gone for so long! (JK!)

With a somewhat disappointed disposition and a pout, I left Kate and went back to work. The whole time I was suppose to be working I was thinking about how this whole "Kim-will-never-get-to-go-to-Africa-Ha-Ha-trick" was not cool and getting way old! I starting thinking, "No, I'm going to do something about this. I feel called to go to Africa and by golly (yeah...I know...I just said/wrote "golly") I will make it happen." Not moments after having this somewhat encouraging and empowering thought, the sweet face of my old College Minister and great friend Angela popped into my head. Angela not only is the College Minister at my home church, but she is also head of Missions....and is Copper's mom/Scout's aunt/Ralph and Ragina's daughter/Matty's sister/Cotton's get the point! Anyway, with a dash and a flash I was off my chair and digging in my oh-so-cute new green clutch for my phone to call Angie...a shorten name my mom insists on calling her even though she HATES it! (HA!) After a few nail biting rings, sweet Angela answered the phone with her usual, "Hey girl!" "ANGELA," I said in an octave to high for office environment. "I really want to go to Africa. Are there any trips planned this summer to go?" (Insert God here) "Actually," said Angela, "we are are going to Ethiopia in July for 10 days!" "WHAT...REALLY...SHUT UP...ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" "Yes," Angela said with a laugh. "I take it you want to go?" "Go," I exclaimed, "Angela, I'm already there!"

And with that, I verbally committed to going on this trip and promised to leave my beloved blanky (there might have been an incident on another trip) at home, prepare my heart for non "lap-of-luxury" accommodations and have an open heart and mind because God was about to rock my world!

See where I am going by clicking---> HERE!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Just Going To Say It...

I would love to be an news anchor! There...I said it! It's out in the open and I can finally breathe freely! Every since I was a little girl, I knew this was a deep passion of mine. In the mornings when my mother was braiding my hair and working herself into a tizzy trying to find the perfect coordinating bows, ribbons, scrunches and do-da's, I was glued to the "Today Show" fervently trying to mimic everything the anchors and news reporters were doing. Literally every morning, while eating my non-frosted, strawberry Pop-Tarts or spooning in some Crispix and just enough 2% so they would be crunchy until the very end, I would recite (in unison with the broadcaster)..."Live from studio 1-A in Rockefeller Plaza, with Katie Couric and Matt Lauer, this is Today on NBC." My mom, in the most encouraging voice you can imagine would say, "Kimberly, you know that if your heart longs to be on TV then you can do anything you set your mind to!"

Now, ump-teen years later, I finally took my mother's "after school special" advice and jumped on the opportunity to do a promotional video for my church! Having the chance to get mic-ed up and read off a teleprompter was the best experience for a once little girl that dreamed of the bright lights and big city! So, below is my very first "news caster" experience! Hope you enjoy! (What I'm talking about is pretty amazing and you can learn more about it at TOMSshoes)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Game, Set, Serena!

A couple weeks ago my friends and I went to...dare I say it for fear of complete humiliation..."Rock-N-Racquets" to see Serena Williams and the smoking hot Andy Roddick. Being the avid player and fan that I am, I knew this was something that I really wanted to attend. Walking up to the doors of the arena, I noticed there weren't too many people outside and I right away thought, "Yes! Not too many people have heard about this, and Serena and I will become best friends!" Well would you know, not a half second after I completed that wishful thinking thought, I opened the doors to the lobby to a sea of florescent yellow volleyball sized tennis balls, racquets, posters, T-shirts, racquet bags, calendars, shoes and pictures held by overly excited and yelling parents, kids and coaches. After seeing this, I immediately went into the "I-refuse-to-look-as-stupidly-star-struck-as-you-people-do"! Being the always calm, cool and collected individual that I am...(wink!) I stood "uninterested" with my friends, waiting on my friend to arrive with my free ticket (that happened to be accompanied with a box seat!).

After I had been poked in the back with 2 racquets and nudged forward by a 1999 U.S. Open T-shirt clad tennis mom, we had finally made it through the turn stile. As we made our way up the stairs to the promenade area were the events celebrities (including Gavin Rossdale, Justin Gimelstob and John Isner) were perched at a signing table, we noticed that the line for autographs had nearly tripled before our very eyes. Not really wanting to stand in this outrageous line for scribble scratch that I would constantly have to say, "It really does say Serena Williams," I made the executive decision to bypass the line and head for the box.

Around the corner, we ran into my friend (with the tickets) and stopped to chat. After a few cordial causalities my "comp ticket and box seat hook-up" informed me that standing ever so closely to my right was someone that I should go talk to. Laughing off the weak try at a "go-get-your-mack-on" ploy, I glanced to my right to see a younger looking guy wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, black workout pants and "tennis" tennis shoes...and yes there is a difference...with ear buds in place and arms crossed leaning ever so coolly against the wall. Turning back to my friend I asked why he was such a big deal, and what could I possibly want to talk with him about. As if that next moment was taken straight out of "The Sandlot" when Squints was telling the story about the lost ball over the fence and he says "FOOOORREVVVER," my "comp ticket and box seat hook-up" said..."TTTHHHAAT'SSS

No sooner did the word "hitting" come out of my friend's mouth, I had made my way across the room and was standing, hand out and ready, beside my now (second-to-Serena) new best friend. I immediately introduced myself and told the guy that my friend insisted that I come over and meet him. In a strong and somewhat difficult to understand German accent, the guy said hello and introduced himself, shaking my hand. Without wasting one precious second and without hesitation I said, "So, you're Serena's hitting partner huh?!" The guy, looking a bit taken a back by my sometimes overpowering "Kim" ways said yes, smiled, looked at me a bit strangely and began to put his ear buds back in. With my thoughts on future connections I, without thinking, reached out and grabbed his arm, somewhat pulling it down and said, "You know, I would love to play with her." Looking around nervously for the closest bodyguard, then glancing at me, the guy said with a laugh, "Do you play?" Do I play, I thought, pah...he doesn't even KNOW me! (CP!)

Trying not to be offended that this kid hadn't followed my tennis career from Germany, I told him a resounding, "Yes." To my utter shock the young guy, looking now somewhat interested, asked me where I was from. "Well Greenville of course," I said, with a brush off of my shoulders! "Is that anywhere near Charleston," the young guy asked. "Well, no, but it can surely be near Charleston." At this moment in the conversation, my heartbeat began to speed up and my always present perma-grin was beginning to make it's appearance. "If you know how to play and would like to hit with her, we will be in Charleston in April and I can see about setting something up for you." After staring at him in complete shock for a good 10 seconds, I said, with a slight stutter, "Umm wh ye yes I would want love oh my wha that would be amazing yes!!"

From that point on was a blur of ya da ya da's until e-mail addresses were exchanged and promises were made! I know the rest of the night fun things happened, but what...I don't really know. All I do know is that I now must get back into tennis shape, cross my fingers that this guy is a man of his word, pick out the cutest tennis dress and get ready for this opportunity of a life time!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, New Blog!

After much coaxing from friends and fellow tech savvy co-workers, I have succumbed to their persistent peer pressure and jumped on the blogging bandwagon! Being the somewhat obsessive compulsive person that I am, I really wanted to have a specific theme for my blog; similar to my "Love" themed pink Hello Kitty diary that I cherished when I was 17...I mean 7! Anyway, the most creative thing I could come up with was an "Alphabet Blog." I know, I know that sounds a bit crazy, but what I had in mind was picking a word at random everyday that started with the next letter in the alphabet. Cool huh? Well, it would be cool, but my entire blogging career would be over in just 26 short days. So, instead of doing that everyday, I am going to incorporate that idea in my blog at keep an eye out for my thoughts on various words.

As for this first ever blog entry, I thought I would just share a little about here goes:

I am/was/like/etc....
Born and raised in Greenville, SC/G-Vegas/greatest city in South Carolina-Have one sister, Lillian, who is pretty much the coolest person ever-Love love love to play tennis and wear cute/coordinating outfits-Afraid of cats-Could live off cotton candy-Cherish my friends-Am a hopeless romantic-Love laughing-am 6'1- A Christian- Could watch movies all day- Hate when random strangers tell me that I'm tall...cause I know that!-Love to sing...even though I can't-Could wear dresses everyday-Still have a banky and I'm not ashamed-A sudo vegetarian- Will buy a drink just because the bottle is cool- Am loud- Obsessed with my mom- Wants a Blackberry- Love airports- Worked at Starbucks-Never wear heels- Easily sucked in to reality TV shows like The Biggest Loser, The Hills and Top Chief- Obsessed with Salt-n-Vinegar kettle cooked chips- Love the word grace and all that it stands for- The queen of throwing surprise parties- Never leave my house without chap stick/lip gloss/lip stick-Enjoy long walks- Too sensitive- Want to open a cupcake shop- Love live music-Love life!

So that's a bit about me. Nothing fancy, just me being me! :)