Saturday, August 28, 2010

G is for Girl Crush

However inappropriate you might feel right now in reading the title of this entry, it's true. I have a legitimate girl crush. Sara Bareilles will always be someone that I not only admire as an artist, but just all around love. Ok sure, she's a bit crass, cusses like a sailor and probably doesn't bathe regularly. But to me, she's wonderful!

I have to admit, shamefully, that I heard of her after her first song, "Love Song" dropped. To be honest, I thought it was bobby and fun, but very trendy and surface. Then, a dear friend and former co-worker at Starbucks gave me her CD to burn (oops, I know). After one run through, and literately gasping during the middle of "Gravity," I was sold.

Since then, I have been nothing but all things, Sara B. In September, the Grub and I are heading to Charlotte to see her and... we may, or may not, have VIP tickets! (We do, we totally do!)

It's something about her arrangement of real, transparent words and true emotions that get me every time. The lyrics and tunes ooze beautifully together and it's simply magical. (Rolling Stone, I'm ready for a job!) I love her. Love what her lyrics and life story have done for my life and am so excited, the time has finally come, I get to see my favorite, do her! Pics and my overwhelming reaction to come!

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