Friday, August 27, 2010

C is for Cinnamon

Only true cinnamonaholics need to continue reading. Ok, here goes... I'm about to change your life. The other morning, I was sleepily making coffee the same way I do every morning. Grab the new filter, grab the coffee, scoop the coffee, fill the water... you get it. Boring and vanilla, UNTIL my eyes glanced in the direction of my new spice rack. (Thanks Grub for the house warming gift!) The first spice I saw was the cinnamon. Simultaneously, in mid thought and mid action, I wondered what it would taste like if I added some ground cinnamon to my ground coffee and brewed it. ...PAUSE... For the visual readers of this blog, here you go...

After a few moments, my kitchen smelled like goodness and my coffee never tasted better. All I have to say is... you're welcome. ;)


  1. Kimberly!!!! I just rediscovered your blog! Yes!! I love this post! I tried it this morning and yum you were right! Love you!

  2. Yesss! Joy told me about this and now I must try it! I love coffee!!!
