After just a few minutes, here's what Rachel made...
Doesn't that look delicious?! It definitely was, and I thought I'd share the recipe.
Rachel's Sunshine and Smiles, Deliciously Good Omelette/Omelet
3-4 Egg Whites
A good amount (not a lot) of olive oil
A bunch of basil leaves, cut
3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Tomatoes (strong suggestion!)
Wear a cute apron like this...

Heat pan on medium heat
Pour in "good amount" of oil
Add the egg whites
Add cheese, tomatoes, salt, pepper and, the golden ingredient, basil
After it sets up/firms, fold in thirds and cook until golden brown
Serve on white plate with cinnamon coffee and a napkin and wait for this...
I hope you all love this as much as I did. Thanks Rachel! Enjoy!
Note: I wasn't sure how to spell, umm, well I'm sure you know what I'm talking about!
Note #2: Apron is from none other than.. Anthropologie!
LOVE your apron!!! everything tastes better when you look cute while preparing it.