I usually go to church in the afternoon. Today, however, my friend Carrie and I are traveling to Charleston to go to a show, so I wouldn't been able to go at all if I didn't go this morning. Because of this scheduled previous engagement that I didn't want to miss, and because I wanted some worship time today, I decided to go to a new church plant here in Columbia called New Spring. New Spring, in a nut shell, is a mega church based out of Anderson, SC with numerous satellite campuses all over SC.
Once the message began, I was completed moved and consumed by what the Lord was putting on the speakers heart to say. The message was about the end times, and more so, judgement. What would happened when we all show up to that appointment of death? What would the Lord say about you, the way you lived your life and, most importantly, would your name be written in the book of life?
Towards the end of this amazingly powerful message, the speaker told two stories. The first was about a man that lived his life completely and utterly for the Lord. He understood many years prior that he was sinful, that he deserved death, but that the Lord's grace and mercy saved him and that when he died he would be with the Lord, in heaven, forever. He worked his entire life telling people about the love of Christ and growing deeper in His word everyday.
After growing very sick from a disease that was overtaking his body, he asked his wife one morning to bathe him, shave him and dress him because he was going home. "Going home?" she responded, "You're already home." He shook his head and said, "To be with my father." She did as he asked and after he was ready, she took him downstairs and sat him in his favorite chair. In a short time, he lifted his arms and said, "Look at how beautiful the Lord is. Do you see Him? Do you see Him?" His wife said, "No I can't see the Lord, honey." He said in response, "If you could see what I see, you would want to go with me." Moments later, he cried out, "Hallelujah," and started clapping his hands. Not soon after that, he took his final breaths and went home to the Lord.
The second true story, drastically different, was about Joesph Stalin. The pastor said that while Joesph Stalin (atheist, murderer, heartless, terrible individual) was on his death bed, his daughter sat with him and recounted the final moments of her father's life. "Make them stop, Make them stop," Stalin screamed as he threw his arms in the air above his face. His daughter, confused at what her father was talking about said, "What is it? What is it?" "The wolves," Stalin continued to scream, "The wolves!" As Stalin continued to scream and with his final breaths he says, "Dear God, nooooo," and passed away.
Message: What will happen when you die?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
T is for Tennis Skirts
The other day I went to Starbucks for a treat. (Ps. It's really hard going into a place and paying full price for items that a few short months ago I received for FREE!) While in line, I started a conversation with the lady in front of me...go figure. The reason I started talking to her was because of what she was wearing.
"Do you play tennis?" I asked with a smile and in an overly excited voice. "Oh, you're sweet," said replied, while touching my arm with one hand and putting her other hand over her heart. "I don't, I just wear the skirts, they are so comfortable and they make me look like an athlete." "Oh," I said in a perplexed tone which was accompanied by an awkward laugh. "I do...actually play, and I have a skirt that resembles that one." "You actually play," she said, completely shocked and surprised. "I thought everyone just wore them around for fun."
Now, I don't mean to hate. There have been plenty of times that I have thrown on work out clothes for the days errands with absolutely no intentions of doing any kind of exercise activity that day. But, to completely call yourself out and say, "I'M A POSER," is a whole other story!
In my eyes, the tennis skirt, while very cute and super comfortable, is an article of clothing that must only be worn by tennis players! I'm not saying that you even have to be good. I'm saying that you have to have actually stepped foot on a real tennis court and attempted to hit a real tennis ball just ONCE to wear one! That's it. That's your golden ticket. All these ladies that just wear them for fun, pain me. I have put in many a hour, blood, sweat and tears in my tennis skirts. To see them worn as Saturday summer wear is a disgrace! Ladies, take off the tennis skirts and put on a pair of shorts. You haven't earned it!
(Please know I'm just joking...I'm not that serious about tennis skirts...but seriously ladies take them off!)
"Do you play tennis?" I asked with a smile and in an overly excited voice. "Oh, you're sweet," said replied, while touching my arm with one hand and putting her other hand over her heart. "I don't, I just wear the skirts, they are so comfortable and they make me look like an athlete." "Oh," I said in a perplexed tone which was accompanied by an awkward laugh. "I do...actually play, and I have a skirt that resembles that one." "You actually play," she said, completely shocked and surprised. "I thought everyone just wore them around for fun."
Now, I don't mean to hate. There have been plenty of times that I have thrown on work out clothes for the days errands with absolutely no intentions of doing any kind of exercise activity that day. But, to completely call yourself out and say, "I'M A POSER," is a whole other story!
In my eyes, the tennis skirt, while very cute and super comfortable, is an article of clothing that must only be worn by tennis players! I'm not saying that you even have to be good. I'm saying that you have to have actually stepped foot on a real tennis court and attempted to hit a real tennis ball just ONCE to wear one! That's it. That's your golden ticket. All these ladies that just wear them for fun, pain me. I have put in many a hour, blood, sweat and tears in my tennis skirts. To see them worn as Saturday summer wear is a disgrace! Ladies, take off the tennis skirts and put on a pair of shorts. You haven't earned it!
(Please know I'm just joking...I'm not that serious about tennis skirts...but seriously ladies take them off!)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Q is for Quote
Growing up I used to be a really big quote person. For birthdays, I would always ask for the calendars with the inspirational saying and words of wisdom then try... for that particular day... to live out my life as parallel as I could to the saying or phrase. More times than not, I would generally forget what saying I was trying to "live out" by 10 a.m., but nonetheless, it was something that was a part of my daily routine.
Today, I am still really moved by quotes, and more so, words. I try, as a much older and wiser adult, to take them to heart a bit more than I used to. Sometimes they sticks; sometimes not. Here is one, however, that I found today, that I just love and will hopefully carry with me for a lifetime.
"The finish line. We're always just one more run, one newer car, one fancier title, one bigger house, one better romance...from a happy ending. Stop in your tracks, and just love where you are." - Skirt September 2009
Today, I am still really moved by quotes, and more so, words. I try, as a much older and wiser adult, to take them to heart a bit more than I used to. Sometimes they sticks; sometimes not. Here is one, however, that I found today, that I just love and will hopefully carry with me for a lifetime.
"The finish line. We're always just one more run, one newer car, one fancier title, one bigger house, one better romance...from a happy ending. Stop in your tracks, and just love where you are." - Skirt September 2009
R is for RUNNER!
I never in my life would have ever thought that I, Kim Jamieson, would be called a runner. But this morning...just a few minutes ago... I made swift strides right into that title! I just completed a 4.82 mile run! And, to top it off, I really wasn't that tired at the end. In past attempts at running, I failed miserably. During every "run" I would think awful hate thoughts to myself for even trying to accomplish a feat, that was obviously out of my realm of fitness. I used to have to mentally tell myself not to turn around and walk back home to the new bag of salt and vinegar, kettle cooked chips, chocolate chip cookies, popcorn, PBR, pizza and any other pastry I had in my house.
But today, I turned my jams up and kept telling myself, "One step at a time, one step at a time!" So with this new found like...definitely not love yet...for running, I think I am going to officially sign up for my first race. As the training continues, I'll be sure to document my progress...or lack thereof! Keep me... and my legs...in your thoughts as I venture into the wonderful world of running!
But today, I turned my jams up and kept telling myself, "One step at a time, one step at a time!" So with this new found like...definitely not love yet...for running, I think I am going to officially sign up for my first race. As the training continues, I'll be sure to document my progress...or lack thereof! Keep me... and my legs...in your thoughts as I venture into the wonderful world of running!
Friday, August 14, 2009
W is for Wedding!
Tomorrow is the big day! My older sister Lillian is getting married and I'm really excited for her. She is marrying a big ole (and by "big ole" I mean 6'5") guy that loves football and has this crazy obsession with all things Clemson. This was something that was very hard for me to get over... seeing as though I am a two-time graduate of THE University of South Carolina!
I can't really believe that this day is actually here. I feel like just the other day, Lillian and I were sharing a room and fighting over who would be the one to get up and turn off the light, making up dance routines to our favorite Michael Jackson hits, staying up late at night watching TGIF, playing doubles together in tennis tournaments, yelling at dad let us sleep a little longer in the mornings, giving each other high fives in the halls at Eastside, swimming for hours at every hotel we stayed in on tennis trips, running around the house like crazy kids when are parents left us home in the summer, writing notes to each other on the back of the offering envelopes in our grandma's church because the service was so long, moving each other into college and so much more.
Even though from here on out, things will be a bit different, she will always be my sister and my heart. We will continue to add to our extensive list of memories and tomorrow I will be able to add, fluffing her veil, calming her nerves, holding her flowers, almost dropping his ring and giving her the biggest hug ever before she pulls off into her new life as Mrs. Lillian Jamieson Johnson!
I can't really believe that this day is actually here. I feel like just the other day, Lillian and I were sharing a room and fighting over who would be the one to get up and turn off the light, making up dance routines to our favorite Michael Jackson hits, staying up late at night watching TGIF, playing doubles together in tennis tournaments, yelling at dad let us sleep a little longer in the mornings, giving each other high fives in the halls at Eastside, swimming for hours at every hotel we stayed in on tennis trips, running around the house like crazy kids when are parents left us home in the summer, writing notes to each other on the back of the offering envelopes in our grandma's church because the service was so long, moving each other into college and so much more.
Even though from here on out, things will be a bit different, she will always be my sister and my heart. We will continue to add to our extensive list of memories and tomorrow I will be able to add, fluffing her veil, calming her nerves, holding her flowers, almost dropping his ring and giving her the biggest hug ever before she pulls off into her new life as Mrs. Lillian Jamieson Johnson!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The ABC's of me!
Ok, so me and this whole blog thing hasn't really been working out. Initially I had this vision of writing a blog about my everyday life occurrences that would be loved the world over, making me the next chocolate flavored Carrie Bradshaw! Well, since that hasn't really panned out the way I wanted, I started thinking of other things I could do to be more interested and inspired to log on day after day and type my little heart out.
So, here is what I have come up with. This blog isn't going to have any real direction. It's going to be about any and everything I think is fun, interesting, serious, random and ridiculous! Every post will reflect a letter of the alphabet; similar to my blog's name... K is for Kim. It's not going to go in order and I might have 10 posts that all start with the same letter. Like, P is for... fill in the blank!
In doing this, I think it will free me up from thinking that I have to deliver a perfect post every time. I can just write what I want, about what I want, when I want to do it! So, without further ado, here goes my second...or third...(I don't know I've lost count at how many times I've started and stopped this blog!) attempt at the ABC's of me!
So, here is what I have come up with. This blog isn't going to have any real direction. It's going to be about any and everything I think is fun, interesting, serious, random and ridiculous! Every post will reflect a letter of the alphabet; similar to my blog's name... K is for Kim. It's not going to go in order and I might have 10 posts that all start with the same letter. Like, P is for... fill in the blank!
In doing this, I think it will free me up from thinking that I have to deliver a perfect post every time. I can just write what I want, about what I want, when I want to do it! So, without further ado, here goes my second...or third...(I don't know I've lost count at how many times I've started and stopped this blog!) attempt at the ABC's of me!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sara and Kim
So, I don't necessarily like talking about myself, but I just so happen to be 1/2 of this story, so I really don't think it would work without me! My roommate, Sara and I should have our own TV show. I know that many people think that they are interesting and cool enough to have their own show, but Sara and I really are! Case in point...almost every morning, we have a dance party! It takes seriously dedicated individuals to be willing to get up at 6 a.m. and full out dance like no ones business, and I must say we do it with style. Now, before I moved in, Sara was one of those people that did their own thing in the morning and didn't really talk to anyone until it was time to say, "Alright bye," to the other roommates. Well, me, not knowing this and always at a 10, moves in and on day one, has my Pandora blaring and dropping and popping like it's hot! Now in the mornings, Sara is the main one that puts on her dancing shoes when she hears that beat drop!
Another thing that lends to us getting our own show is that fact that we have a unique talent for reciting useless information...like...I don't know...Bon Qui Qui or "Can I Have Your Number" ! It doesn't matter if we are in the middle of a legitimate conversation with a group of people, if anyone says, "Thank you," we automatically say, "Yeah you welcome," in the best sketchy man/girl voice ever. Or, if someone talks over one of us we don't hesitate to say, (in unison) "Don't interrupt ruuude." Even though both of these You Tube favorites came out last year, we have no fear in quoting them everyday!
In addition to this, Sara and I's TV show would be a hit because we:
In addition to this, Sara and I's TV show would be a hit because we:
-down right cry like babies at The Biggest Loser
-regularly refer to the temperature in our drafty house like that of the Cullen's
-call people, not by their names, but by whatever baked good, pasta products or food that pops into our heads
-pause SYTYCD and try to do what they are doing (Ok, ok, that one's just me!)
-say words like "honestly," "seriously," and "really" over and over for added effect
While there are many more things that Say and I do on a daily, I just thought I would point out just a few that would definitely justify us receiving our own TV show! If anyone can make this happen, you can find us at the Cube! (AAHHH! Say that's for you!)-regularly refer to the temperature in our drafty house like that of the Cullen's
-call people, not by their names, but by whatever baked good, pasta products or food that pops into our heads
-pause SYTYCD and try to do what they are doing (Ok, ok, that one's just me!)
-say words like "honestly," "seriously," and "really" over and over for added effect
In 11 days...
I will be on a plane headed for Africa! It seems like just yesterday I was writing a post about wanting to go to this part of the world and now that it's finally here, it all seems a bit surreal. I'm beginning to freak out just a bit, but I know that this trip is going to change my life and I couldn't be more excited!
While in route to Africa, my trip mates and I have a 13 hour lay over in one location. At first, I was like... "Negative, that is awful and I really don't want to go!" (I know, I know, I'm a winy baby!) But then, I was informed where our lay over was going to be and I got so excited! We are going to be spending the day in ROME! Even though I am going to be completely jet lagged, cranky, hungry and tired, I know that my adrenaline will carry me through the historic streets of Rome, Italy. Here is a little preview of what amazing things I'll get to see on this leg of the trip...
As the countdown to the big day continues, as well as my everyday random life activities happen, I'll be sure to do better, as once promised, with my posting!
While in route to Africa, my trip mates and I have a 13 hour lay over in one location. At first, I was like... "Negative, that is awful and I really don't want to go!" (I know, I know, I'm a winy baby!) But then, I was informed where our lay over was going to be and I got so excited! We are going to be spending the day in ROME! Even though I am going to be completely jet lagged, cranky, hungry and tired, I know that my adrenaline will carry me through the historic streets of Rome, Italy. Here is a little preview of what amazing things I'll get to see on this leg of the trip...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
You can thank me later!
This past Easter weekend, I was home relaxing, watching some TV and eating my all time favorite, Ben & Jerry's Pistachio Pistachio ice cream! After a lot of "nothing" TV, I decided to do one last run through to ensure that I didn't miss anything before heading off to bed. Starting at channel 3, I skipped pasted the 24 hour weather channel, to channel 4, which was a random movie that I didn't even want to start watching because I HATE starting movies in the middle, to channel 5, which was a group of people singing their hearts out, to channel 6. Channel 6 in Greenville, the majority of the time, is a Christian affeliated channel that broadcasts various Christianesk performances. Sometimes it's a group doing interpreative movement (don't hate I did that!), or people talking asking you to call in with prayer requests. Well that night, when I clicked to channel 6, I saw this guy, jumping around, somewhat spastic, throwing paint everywhere. Immediately I was like, "lame," and moved swiftly on to channel 7.
As soon as I hit channel 7, I said to myself, "what the crap was that guy doing." So, kind of annoyed that this guy has now caught my attention, I went back to channel 6. And this is what I saw...
Can You Believe This?
As soon as I hit channel 7, I said to myself, "what the crap was that guy doing." So, kind of annoyed that this guy has now caught my attention, I went back to channel 6. And this is what I saw...
Can You Believe This?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Song of the Hour!
Your Love Is Strong
Jon Foreman
Heavenly Father
You always amaze me
Let your kingdom come
In my world and in my life
You give me the food I need
To live through the day
And forgive me as I forgive
The people that wronged me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
I look out the window
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune
Or out of place
I look at the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day
So why do I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
The kingdom of the heavens
Is now advancing
Invade my heart
Invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens
Is buried treasure
Will you sell yourself
To buy the one you've found?
Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me
Our God in heaven
Hallowed be
Thy name above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us wicked sinners
Lead us far away from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons
Jon Foreman
Heavenly Father
You always amaze me
Let your kingdom come
In my world and in my life
You give me the food I need
To live through the day
And forgive me as I forgive
The people that wronged me
Lead me far from temptation
Deliver me from the evil one
I look out the window
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune
Or out of place
I look at the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day
So why do I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need
Your love is
Your love is
Your love is strong
The kingdom of the heavens
Is now advancing
Invade my heart
Invade this broken town
The kingdom of the heavens
Is buried treasure
Will you sell yourself
To buy the one you've found?
Two things you told me
That you are strong
And you love me
Yes, you love me
Our God in heaven
Hallowed be
Thy name above all names
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us wicked sinners
Lead us far away from our vices
And deliver us from these prisons
Monday, April 6, 2009
The word, "justify," is, by far, one of my least favorite words. In the secular sense, "justify," to me, means, that one thing is deemed "Ok" because of something else. I hate, more than anything, when people's actions, words and attitudes are "justified" by others. In my life, I have, unfortunately and sadly, been treated badly to only hear from others that the person who wronged me, said or did whatever because they were upset, in a bad mood, stressed or frustrated. What right, does this person have to treat someone else badly just because their day isn't going smoothly? I completely understand that days are tough, things go wrong, issues come up and times get tough, but in all of that, how is it "Ok" to TREAT someone else, a person, like they are nothing? I, so often, have to remember that these individuals that treat me, and others, like this, DON'T OWE ME ANYTHING. People, unfortunately, will always let me down. They will come up short. They will disappoint.
However, being a Christian, I have to remember... constantly, that I can NOT put my self value, self worth, happiness or feelings in other people. But, I can put all of that in the Lord. Being firmly planted and rooted in the Lord means, I find my identity in Him alone, and not in what others say to me, think about me or do to me. Yes...these things definitely still hurt just the same, but the sting of these actions or words are quickly swept away because I fall back on the knowledge and understanding that the Lord is, and will always be, my only constant.
However, being a Christian, I have to remember... constantly, that I can NOT put my self value, self worth, happiness or feelings in other people. But, I can put all of that in the Lord. Being firmly planted and rooted in the Lord means, I find my identity in Him alone, and not in what others say to me, think about me or do to me. Yes...these things definitely still hurt just the same, but the sting of these actions or words are quickly swept away because I fall back on the knowledge and understanding that the Lord is, and will always be, my only constant.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Is that...what I think it is?
Living in Columbia, I have seen some pretty crazy things, but today takes the cake. After running by my house on my lunch break, I decide to go a different way back...you know, mix it up a bit! Well, as I am cutting through this pretty cute, very pricey neighborhood I saw this older women up ahead pushing a stroller. She was dressed in ankle cut, khaki pants, brown flats, a white popped collar button down shirt and a delightful springy print, multi-colored cardigan. Well, as I was getting closer to her, I kept looking because I really liked her cardigan, and I may or may not have a ridiculous and sometimes overwhelming obsession with them! Taking a closer look at her cardigan, I happened to glance down at the stroller she was pushing and then back to the road. In the quickest double-take I have ever done, I looked back and saw what she was pushing. Now, I know you guys are probably thinking, "Kim, how mean of you to think her grandchildren are ugly!" Oh how I wish I could say it was a kid, but no. It was two dogs! Yes! She was pushing, without a care in the world, two cocker spaniels. While they were the cutest dogs you have ever seen, they were in a STROLLER!
To My Devoted Following...
I'm sorry for the obscenely long absence. Over the past few months, things have been so busy that I have failed in my duties as the author of a much-loved and requested blog! After receiving two e-mails that said..."I think your blog is broken," and, my personal favorite, "Your blog sucks," (SE) I thought it was due time for me to jump back on the blogging bandwagon and give the people what they want! So, this is just the start of many, regularly written blogs. Hope you enjoy!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Africa or bust!
For the past couple of years, I have been dying to go to Africa! Not only have I been wanting to experience this culture that is so different from my own, but I want to live, touch and see where my ancestors are from...CP stop!! Well, at lunch the other day I was talking with one of my new best friends/kindred spirit, Kate, about how much I wanted to go to Africa and would you know, she said, "My family is planning a mission trip there this summer!" WHAT! What are the odds of that?! Well me...not being shy about inviting myself places (UL!)...jumped right on the badgering bandwagon and asked Kate as many questions as I could about my next mission trip! I was so sure that I was going to go until...BOMBSHELL...Kate told me that it would be a 17 day trip. When I heard that, my ecstatic attitude turned to "Woe-is-me"/ "Why-Why" with hands on head in 0.2 seconds. I thought...there is no way that I will be able to take that much time off from my fancy new job...I'm too important to be gone for so long! (JK!)
With a somewhat disappointed disposition and a pout, I left Kate and went back to work. The whole time I was suppose to be working I was thinking about how this whole "Kim-will-never-get-to-go-to-Africa-Ha-Ha-trick" was not cool and getting way old! I starting thinking, "No, I'm going to do something about this. I feel called to go to Africa and by golly (yeah...I know...I just said/wrote "golly") I will make it happen." Not moments after having this somewhat encouraging and empowering thought, the sweet face of my old College Minister and great friend Angela popped into my head. Angela not only is the College Minister at my home church, but she is also head of Missions....and is Copper's mom/Scout's aunt/Ralph and Ragina's daughter/Matty's sister/Cotton's sister-in-law...you get the point! Anyway, with a dash and a flash I was off my chair and digging in my oh-so-cute new green clutch for my phone to call Angie...a shorten name my mom insists on calling her even though she HATES it! (HA!) After a few nail biting rings, sweet Angela answered the phone with her usual, "Hey girl!" "ANGELA," I said in an octave to high for office environment. "I really want to go to Africa. Are there any trips planned this summer to go?" (Insert God here) "Actually," said Angela, "we are are going to Ethiopia in July for 10 days!" "WHAT...REALLY...SHUT UP...ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" "Yes," Angela said with a laugh. "I take it you want to go?" "Go," I exclaimed, "Angela, I'm already there!"
And with that, I verbally committed to going on this trip and promised to leave my beloved blanky (there might have been an incident on another trip) at home, prepare my heart for non "lap-of-luxury" accommodations and have an open heart and mind because God was about to rock my world!
See where I am going by clicking---> HERE!
With a somewhat disappointed disposition and a pout, I left Kate and went back to work. The whole time I was suppose to be working I was thinking about how this whole "Kim-will-never-get-to-go-to-Africa-Ha-Ha-trick" was not cool and getting way old! I starting thinking, "No, I'm going to do something about this. I feel called to go to Africa and by golly (yeah...I know...I just said/wrote "golly") I will make it happen." Not moments after having this somewhat encouraging and empowering thought, the sweet face of my old College Minister and great friend Angela popped into my head. Angela not only is the College Minister at my home church, but she is also head of Missions....and is Copper's mom/Scout's aunt/Ralph and Ragina's daughter/Matty's sister/Cotton's sister-in-law...you get the point! Anyway, with a dash and a flash I was off my chair and digging in my oh-so-cute new green clutch for my phone to call Angie...a shorten name my mom insists on calling her even though she HATES it! (HA!) After a few nail biting rings, sweet Angela answered the phone with her usual, "Hey girl!" "ANGELA," I said in an octave to high for office environment. "I really want to go to Africa. Are there any trips planned this summer to go?" (Insert God here) "Actually," said Angela, "we are are going to Ethiopia in July for 10 days!" "WHAT...REALLY...SHUT UP...ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" "Yes," Angela said with a laugh. "I take it you want to go?" "Go," I exclaimed, "Angela, I'm already there!"
And with that, I verbally committed to going on this trip and promised to leave my beloved blanky (there might have been an incident on another trip) at home, prepare my heart for non "lap-of-luxury" accommodations and have an open heart and mind because God was about to rock my world!
See where I am going by clicking---> HERE!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I'm Just Going To Say It...
I would love to be an news anchor! There...I said it! It's out in the open and I can finally breathe freely! Every since I was a little girl, I knew this was a deep passion of mine. In the mornings when my mother was braiding my hair and working herself into a tizzy trying to find the perfect coordinating bows, ribbons, scrunches and do-da's, I was glued to the "Today Show" fervently trying to mimic everything the anchors and news reporters were doing. Literally every morning, while eating my non-frosted, strawberry Pop-Tarts or spooning in some Crispix and just enough 2% so they would be crunchy until the very end, I would recite (in unison with the broadcaster)..."Live from studio 1-A in Rockefeller Plaza, with Katie Couric and Matt Lauer, this is Today on NBC." My mom, in the most encouraging voice you can imagine would say, "Kimberly, you know that if your heart longs to be on TV then you can do anything you set your mind to!"
Now, ump-teen years later, I finally took my mother's "after school special" advice and jumped on the opportunity to do a promotional video for my church! Having the chance to get mic-ed up and read off a teleprompter was the best experience for a once little girl that dreamed of the bright lights and big city! So, below is my very first "news caster" experience! Hope you enjoy! (What I'm talking about is pretty amazing and you can learn more about it at TOMSshoes)
Now, ump-teen years later, I finally took my mother's "after school special" advice and jumped on the opportunity to do a promotional video for my church! Having the chance to get mic-ed up and read off a teleprompter was the best experience for a once little girl that dreamed of the bright lights and big city! So, below is my very first "news caster" experience! Hope you enjoy! (What I'm talking about is pretty amazing and you can learn more about it at TOMSshoes)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Game, Set, Serena!
A couple weeks ago my friends and I went to...dare I say it for fear of complete humiliation..."Rock-N-Racquets" to see Serena Williams and the smoking hot Andy Roddick. Being the avid
player and fan that I am, I knew this was something that I really wanted to attend. Walking up to the doors of the arena, I noticed there weren't too many people outside and I right away thought, "Yes! Not too many people have heard about this, and Serena and I will become best friends!" Well would you know, not a half second after I completed that wishful thinking thought, I opened the doors to the lobby to a sea of florescent yellow volleyball sized tennis balls, racquets, posters, T-shirts, racquet bags, calendars, shoes and pictures held by overly excited and yelling parents, kids and coaches. After seeing this, I immediately went into the "I-refuse-to-look-as-stupidly-star-struck-as-you-people-do"! Being the always calm, cool and collected individual that I am...(wink!) I stood "uninterested" with my friends, waiting on my friend to arrive with my free ticket (that happened to be accompanied with a box seat!).
After I had been poked in the back with 2 racquets and nudged forward by a 1999 U.S. Open T-shirt clad tennis mom, we had finally made it through the turn stile. As we made our way up the stairs to the promenade area were the events celebrities (including Gavin Rossdale, Justin Gimelstob and John Isner) were perched at a signing table, we noticed that the line for autographs had nearly tripled before our very eyes. Not really wanting to stand in this outrageous line for scribble scratch that I would constantly have to say, "It really does say Serena Williams," I made the executive decision to bypass the line and head for the box.
Around the corner, we ran into my friend (with the tickets) and stopped to chat. After a few cordial causalities my "comp ticket and box seat hook-up" informed me that standing ever so closely to my right was someone that I should go talk to. Laughing off the weak try at a "go-get-your-mack-on" ploy, I glanced to my right to see a younger looking guy wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, black workout pants and "tennis" tennis shoes...and yes there is a difference...with ear buds in place and arms crossed leaning ever so coolly against the wall. Turning back to my friend I asked why he was such a big deal, and what could I possibly want to talk with him about. As if that next moment was taken straight out of "The Sandlot" when Squints was telling the story about the lost ball over the fence and he says "FOOOORREVVVER," my "comp ticket and box seat hook-up" said..."TTTHHHAAT'SSS
No sooner did the word "hitting" come out of my friend's mouth, I had made my way across the room and was standing, hand out and ready, beside my now (second-to-Serena) new best friend. I immediately introduced myself and told the guy that my friend insisted that I come over and meet him. In a strong and somewhat difficult to understand German accent, the guy said hello and introduced himself, shaking my hand. Without wasting one precious second and without hesitation I said, "So, you're Serena's hitting partner huh?!" The guy, looking a bit taken a back by my sometimes overpowering "Kim" ways said yes, smiled, looked at me a bit strangely and began to put his ear buds back in. With my thoughts on future connections I, without thinking, reached out and grabbed his arm, somewhat pulling it down and said, "You know, I would love to play with her." Looking around nervously for the closest bodyguard, then glancing at me, the guy said with a laugh, "Do you play?" Do I play, I thought, pah...he doesn't even KNOW me! (CP!)
Trying not to be offended that this kid hadn't followed my tennis career from Germany, I told him a resounding, "Yes." To my utter shock the young guy, looking now somewhat interested, asked me where I was from. "Well Greenville of course," I said, with a brush off of my shoulders! "Is that anywhere near Charleston," the young guy asked. "Well, no, but it can surely be near Charleston." At this moment in the conversation, my heartbeat began to speed up and my always present perma-grin was beginning to make it's appearance. "If you know how to play and would like to hit with her, we will be in Charleston in April and I can see about setting something up for you." After staring at him in complete shock for a good 10 seconds, I said, with a slight stutter, "Umm wh ye yes I would want love oh my wha that would be amazing yes!!"
From that point on was a blur of ya da ya da's until e-mail addresses were exchanged and promises were made! I know the rest of the night fun things happened, but what...I don't really know. All I do know is that I now must get back into tennis shape, cross my fingers that this guy is a man of his word, pick out the cutest tennis dress and get ready for this opportunity of a life time!

After I had been poked in the back with 2 racquets and nudged forward by a 1999 U.S. Open T-shirt clad tennis mom, we had finally made it through the turn stile. As we made our way up the stairs to the promenade area were the events celebrities (including Gavin Rossdale, Justin Gimelstob and John Isner) were perched at a signing table, we noticed that the line for autographs had nearly tripled before our very eyes. Not really wanting to stand in this outrageous line for scribble scratch that I would constantly have to say, "It really does say Serena Williams," I made the executive decision to bypass the line and head for the box.
Around the corner, we ran into my friend (with the tickets) and stopped to chat. After a few cordial causalities my "comp ticket and box seat hook-up" informed me that standing ever so closely to my right was someone that I should go talk to. Laughing off the weak try at a "go-get-your-mack-on" ploy, I glanced to my right to see a younger looking guy wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, black workout pants and "tennis" tennis shoes...and yes there is a difference...with ear buds in place and arms crossed leaning ever so coolly against the wall. Turning back to my friend I asked why he was such a big deal, and what could I possibly want to talk with him about. As if that next moment was taken straight out of "The Sandlot" when Squints was telling the story about the lost ball over the fence and he says "FOOOORREVVVER," my "comp ticket and box seat hook-up" said..."TTTHHHAAT'SSS
No sooner did the word "hitting" come out of my friend's mouth, I had made my way across the room and was standing, hand out and ready, beside my now (second-to-Serena) new best friend. I immediately introduced myself and told the guy that my friend insisted that I come over and meet him. In a strong and somewhat difficult to understand German accent, the guy said hello and introduced himself, shaking my hand. Without wasting one precious second and without hesitation I said, "So, you're Serena's hitting partner huh?!" The guy, looking a bit taken a back by my sometimes overpowering "Kim" ways said yes, smiled, looked at me a bit strangely and began to put his ear buds back in. With my thoughts on future connections I, without thinking, reached out and grabbed his arm, somewhat pulling it down and said, "You know, I would love to play with her." Looking around nervously for the closest bodyguard, then glancing at me, the guy said with a laugh, "Do you play?" Do I play, I thought, pah...he doesn't even KNOW me! (CP!)
Trying not to be offended that this kid hadn't followed my tennis career from Germany, I told him a resounding, "Yes." To my utter shock the young guy, looking now somewhat interested, asked me where I was from. "Well Greenville of course," I said, with a brush off of my shoulders! "Is that anywhere near Charleston," the young guy asked. "Well, no, but it can surely be near Charleston." At this moment in the conversation, my heartbeat began to speed up and my always present perma-grin was beginning to make it's appearance. "If you know how to play and would like to hit with her, we will be in Charleston in April and I can see about setting something up for you." After staring at him in complete shock for a good 10 seconds, I said, with a slight stutter, "Umm wh ye yes I would want love oh my wha that would be amazing yes!!"
From that point on was a blur of ya da ya da's until e-mail addresses were exchanged and promises were made! I know the rest of the night fun things happened, but what...I don't really know. All I do know is that I now must get back into tennis shape, cross my fingers that this guy is a man of his word, pick out the cutest tennis dress and get ready for this opportunity of a life time!
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year, New Blog!
After much coaxing from friends and fellow tech savvy co-workers, I have succumbed to their persistent peer pressure and jumped on the blogging bandwagon! Being the somewhat obsessive compulsive person that I am, I really wanted to have a specific theme for my blog; similar to my "Love" themed pink Hello Kitty diary that I cherished when I was 17...I mean 7! Anyway, the most creative thing I could come up with was an "Alphabet Blog." I know, I know that sounds a bit crazy, but what I had in mind was picking a word at random everyday that started with the next letter in the alphabet. Cool huh? Well, it would be cool, but my entire blogging career would be over in just 26 short days. So, instead of doing that everyday, I am going to incorporate that idea in my blog at random...so keep an eye out for my thoughts on various words.
As for this first ever blog entry, I thought I would just share a little about myself...so here goes:
I am/was/like/etc....
Born and raised in Greenville, SC/G-Vegas/greatest city in South Carolina-Have one sister, Lillian, who is pretty much the coolest person ever-Love love love to play tennis and wear cute/coordinating outfits-Afraid of cats-Could live off cotton candy-Cherish my friends-Am a hopeless romantic-Love laughing-am 6'1- A Christian- Could watch movies all day- Hate when random strangers tell me that I'm tall...cause I know that!-Love to sing...even though I can't-Could wear dresses everyday-Still have a banky and I'm not ashamed-A sudo vegetarian- Will buy a drink just because the bottle is cool- Am loud- Obsessed with my mom- Wants a Blackberry- Love airports- Worked at Starbucks-Never wear heels- Easily sucked in to reality TV shows like The Biggest Loser, The Hills and Top Chief- Obsessed with Salt-n-Vinegar kettle cooked chips- Love the word grace and all that it stands for- The queen of throwing surprise parties- Never leave my house without chap stick/lip gloss/lip stick-Enjoy long walks- Too sensitive- Want to open a cupcake shop- Love live music-Love life!
So that's a bit about me. Nothing fancy, just me being me! :)
As for this first ever blog entry, I thought I would just share a little about myself...so here goes:
I am/was/like/etc....
Born and raised in Greenville, SC/G-Vegas/greatest city in South Carolina-Have one sister, Lillian, who is pretty much the coolest person ever-Love love love to play tennis and wear cute/coordinating outfits-Afraid of cats-Could live off cotton candy-Cherish my friends-Am a hopeless romantic-Love laughing-am 6'1- A Christian- Could watch movies all day- Hate when random strangers tell me that I'm tall...cause I know that!-Love to sing...even though I can't-Could wear dresses everyday-Still have a banky and I'm not ashamed-A sudo vegetarian- Will buy a drink just because the bottle is cool- Am loud- Obsessed with my mom- Wants a Blackberry- Love airports- Worked at Starbucks-Never wear heels- Easily sucked in to reality TV shows like The Biggest Loser, The Hills and Top Chief- Obsessed with Salt-n-Vinegar kettle cooked chips- Love the word grace and all that it stands for- The queen of throwing surprise parties- Never leave my house without chap stick/lip gloss/lip stick-Enjoy long walks- Too sensitive- Want to open a cupcake shop- Love live music-Love life!
So that's a bit about me. Nothing fancy, just me being me! :)
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