If you've ever met me, I'm sure that somewhere within the first 2 1/2 minutes of our introductory conversation I mentioned how much I love cupcakes, could eat cupcakes all day, love going to (and financially supporting) cupcake shops and would love to own my own bakery...strictly for cupcakes... one day! Well, this past weekend I thought I would try my hand at making HOMEMADE cupcakes! None of that box stuff, I'm talking flour, eggs, butter, deliciousness, sugar, etc. After an hour or so, here's what came of my efforts:

I know, right?!! I did such a great job! And it was very tasty. The only thing that I messed up on was the amount of time I baked the cake. The awesome (Magnolia's) recipe calls for 20-25 minutes. I baked my cakes roughly 23 minutes and it was too much. I always forget that cakes continue cooking even after you remove them from the oven. (Hint, hint!) Next time, I will do 19 minutes and then take them out. (Those pics to come!)
On to the icing. Soooo good! This recipe tastes just like the cupcakes at The Magnolia Bakery. When I went... oh, I have a pic.

(And yes, if you're wondering, that is the "Bakery Bouncer" in the background with the crisp white apron. He definitely asked us how many were in our party! HA!)
So starts my cupcake adventures and up next, chocolate. The natural progression after vanilla I think. (Ebony and Ivory... gotta love it!)