Ok, so me and this whole blog thing hasn't really been working out. Initially I had this vision of writing a blog about my everyday life occurrences that would be loved the world over, making me the next chocolate flavored Carrie Bradshaw! Well, since that hasn't really panned out the way I wanted, I started thinking of other things I could do to be more interested and inspired to log on day after day and type my little heart out.
So, here is what I have come up with. This blog isn't going to have any real direction. It's going to be about any and everything I think is fun, interesting, serious, random and ridiculous! Every post will reflect a letter of the alphabet; similar to my blog's name... K is for Kim. It's not going to go in order and I might have 10 posts that all start with the same letter. Like, P is for... fill in the blank!
In doing this, I think it will free me up from thinking that I have to deliver a perfect post every time. I can just write what I want, about what I want, when I want to do it! So, without further ado, here goes my second...or third...(I don't know I've lost count at how many times I've started and stopped this blog!) attempt at the ABC's of me!